Do you want to stop receiving all those annoying credit card and insurance offers you didn’t request? You can opt-out of receiving these offers by calling 1-888-567-8688 or logging on to and completing the form online. To access the form just scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the “Click Here to Opt-In or Opt-Out” button. You have the option to opt-out for five years or permanently.
Did you know that you can now be contacted by telemarketers on your cell phone as well as your home phone? Did you also know the most cell phone companies are charging you for the incoming call as well? To stop receiving those pesky telemarketing calls you can call be placed on the National Do Not Call List by calling 1-888-382-1222. You can also log on to to be removed from the calling list. On the website you can remove up to three phone numbers for five years.
Have you seen your credit report lately? Log on to once a year to receive a FREE copy of your credit report from all three credit bureaus. This will not show your credit score but it will allow you to check for possible errors on the reports that can be corrected to help raise your credit score. Keep in mind that not all creditors report to all three bureaus so your information on each report can differ. If you notice an error on your credit report you can contact that particular credit bureau to resolve the problem. The following is the contact information for the three credit bureaus, Equifax or 1-800-685-1111, Experian or 1-888-397-3742 and Transunion or 1-800-916-8800. Be an educated borrower; keep yourself informed on your credit information to help raise your score for better interest rates on cars, homes, credit cards, etc. |